
HTC HD2 發表!!! 最強 Windows Phone ?

真係好正好型 wor!

That's right... the HD2 has landed. Actually, we took the phone over to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon the other day, but didn't get a chance to show it off, so here we are. Sure, you've seen this guy in action in earlier videos... but it's still nice to get a look at this monster up close. We're still blown away by the fact that this is a Windows Mobile 6.5 device -- the skinning job that HTC has done here is nothing short of a miracle. So far we've found the phone to be snappy and responsive, but we're currently putting it through its paces. We'll have a full review shortly, but for now, feast your eyes on the photos below -- and start saving for that imminent US launch.

HTC HD2 的好,從周執行長在雪紅姊和 Ballmer(I Love this Company!!!)兄前很有信心的秀出這張照片就可一目了然了(這張圖表現的是畫面看的更清楚、虛擬鍵盤更好按)!的確,把玩過目前三款撘載 Qualcomm 1Ghz Snapdragon 三台 Windows Phone,包括 TG01 和 Acer F1,不論在效能、軟體特色和外型上,HTC HD 表現的最好,不過新台幣 25,900元的價格,也是居所有產品之冠阿!有趣的是,HD2 竟然是台灣大哥大獨賣(方案未出,11月中開始出貨),如果不是想讓 Hero 和 HD2 對打,就是宏達電口袋夠深,還有更強的 Windows Phone 還沒推出。

除了處理器之外,撘載「電容式觸控螢幕」也是微軟智慧型手機的創舉,4.3吋 480x800 解析度在實際滑動螢幕的感受上,確實比電阻式螢幕感受好多。相機部份終於加了閃光燈,而且還是LED雙頭燈。軟體部份 HTC SENSE 方面當然又有新的進展(簡直就跟玩RPG一樣,不停的升級)當然也是竭盡所能把 Windows Mobile 6.5 的介面全部洗掉(還是找的到蜂巢式結構目錄)。

總體來說,不論以 Windows Phone 或者是 HTC HD 的更新來說,都有長足的進步。不過由於又是黑抹抹的的發表會現場,以其大排長龍的短時間試用,第一手把玩的感受不夠細緻,但還是移駕全文收看喔:



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